We are happy to announce that the FBRTC is partnering again with the Tri-Valley Front Runners for our annual FBRTC 5K Road Race and Walk. The race is scheduled for May 17, 2025, and will be at the Grove Street trailhead. Race Registration can be found at the link below.
The Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) has prepared draft Resource Management Plans (RMPs) for several locations inside the Blackstone Complex. The Southern New England Trunkline Trail (SNETT) is one of the properties targeted for improvements. Copies of the plan for the SNETT are available on the Blackstone RMPs web page.
A meeting was conducted on October 8 where DCR presented an initial draft of the RMPs for the Blackstone Complex. A recording of the meeting and the slideshow from the meeting are available online. DCR encourages the public to share additional feedback, with a deadline for receipt of comments by DCR of October 31st, 2024. Comments may be submitted via the DCR public comment portal. Please be sure to select “Blackstone RMPs” from the “Topic Selection” drop down so that your comments are included with the correct project. Please note that the content of comments you submit to DCR, along with your name, town, and zip code, will be posted on DCR’s website. Additional contact information required when commenting, notably email address, will only be used for outreach on future updates on the subject project or property.
Thanks to our partners at MassTrails and Bellingham DPW, new Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) were installed last month at the Lake Street trail crossing. The traffic signals were paid for by a grant from MassTrails. Jesse Riedle and the rest of the team at the Bellingham DPW procured and installed the signals.